Monday, December 30, 2013

December 14, 2013: Neat as a Pin

Note: This is the second prompt we did for the day, which turned out to be the last day I met them for 2013 because I had to leave town the next couple of weeks. Darn it. Here's to a joyful 2014 though!


- Neat as a pin

December 14, 2013: The Christmas Stories

Note: Just as the Mysteries Galore meeting, this meeting was surprisingly very themed. In this case, it was really Christmas-y and fun. One of the prompts involved fruitcake, thus each stories had at least one fruitcake in it, even one that was soaked in Teriyaki sauce! Another prompt swiftly follow after this one.

- Santa just called
- I put ____ in the fruitcake
- Santa, I wasn't expecting you

November 23, 2013: Dirt and Shovels

Note: This was the second prompt writing for the day, and we were pretty much surprised that the random prompt idea was again fit the 'Mystery' genre. Although some of us manage to work something that is non-mystery for the previous prompts idea (which were very suggestible themselves), the body count combined in our work were pretty high. With this last and final prompt idea, it only get higher ;)

- Buried behind the Home Depot in Barstows

November 23, 2013: Mysteries Galore

Note: This meeting was best described as the solid proof of how easily us human can be primed, or simply a very spooky meeting :). For some unknown reason we started the day with chit-chatting about mystery books and authors and such, with one member after the other told others their favorite or their own spooky experience. Somehow the randomly chosen prompt ideas fit the mood perfectly, as well as the second prompt idea. Goosebumps anyone?

- I know I'm not the only one who sings in the car
- The grey beard is caked with blood
- And there at the bottom of the pool

November 2, 2013: Whispers and Lessons

This was my second time at the Writing Prompts and Practice with OC Writer's Guild. I was still a bit nervous, but I must say that writing like this was so much fun. The time limit helped me to get focused instead of dilly-dallying like I usually do with my blog writing.

- Republican
- I'm learning all kinds to do when I'm broke
- Ssh... Hear that?

October 26, 2013: Delusion

On this first prompt writing meeting (for me), everyone was in their top condition and soon after we finished the mandatory 25 minutes prompt writing and reading our work we were ready for more. This time it was a 15 minutes prompt writing with only one prompt idea.

- Delusion

October 26, 2013: More Goals, Youth, and Democrat

This was the second writing I made for the prompts. I only got about 10 minutes left, so understandably this wasn't a very good one. Nevertheless, I was proud of myself for managing to write this piece till the very end :)

- I never thought it was in my best interest to have goals
- I am not young enough to know everything
- Democrat